ADA Compliant Snow Removal in Wisconsin

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    Icy surfaces during the winter months pose particular dangers to people with disabilities, and any company that values its customers knows that. Snow removal services must be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ensuring that all doorways, pathways, sidewalks, and parking lots are accessible for people with wheelchairs or other mobility aids.

    ADA compliant snow removal in Wisconsin only comes from well-known and reputable companies like Earth Development, ensuring that absolutely everyone can get around safely even in the cold months.

    What is ADA?

    Wisconsin has plenty of guidelines for snow removal, including the requirement that snow must be physically removed rather than left at the side of the road or in private driveways. Leaving snow like this is not only potentially damaging to your property, but it poses a particular risk to people with mobility issues.

    ADA guidelines take things like this into consideration, and a series of compliance guidelines are in place to ensure snow removal contractors do the job safely every time. The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990 and ensures that companies only ever work to the highest and safest standards. The legislation was specifically focused on preventing hiring discrimination but extends to safety matters too, and it requires businesses with 15 or more employees to take additional steps to ensure they’re taking the needs of people with mobility issues into consideration.

    The legislation requires businesses to install ramps and other accommodations that can be used throughout the year, but in states with harsh winters, the guidelines relating to snow removal are particularly important.

    ADA Compliant Snow Removal

    What Are the ADA Compliance Guidelines for Snow Removal?

    ADA compliance guidelines for snow removal span three specific areas; public building entrances, private facilities and parking, and public parking areas. That means private businesses as well as government bodies must take these rules into consideration.

    Public parking areas should ensure that snow is not piled up around parking spaces, which might stop people with mobility problems from getting out of their car safely. ADA requires that snow and ice are removed from the car park entirely. And both curb ramps and any access aisles must be completely cleared of snow.

    The same is true in private parking and facilities, owned by businesses. However, private parking facilities owned by people with disabilities are not covered by the same rules and it is the responsibility of homeowners to make those accommodations for themselves.

    With public and private building entrances, a build up or snow or ice that may prevent somebody getting into the building must be removed. All entrances and exits must be completely clear, except for temporary periods where a business is waiting for a professional, ADA- compliant snow removal specialist to turn up and move the snow.

    Businesses are required, however, to restore access as soon as possible following snowfall and to provide alternate access if it is not possible to clear the snow in a timely manner.

    Looking for an ADA Compliant Snow Contractor? You’ve Found One!

    Staying ADA compliant is important not just to stay within the realms of the law, but to keep your colleagues and customers safe! You’ll be ensuring everybody has safe access to your building and parking lot, and it’s easier than you might think.

    All it takes is hiring our expert team at Earth Development to handle everything for you. From snow removals during snow storms to regular preventative maintenance and deicing services, we do it all.

    Call today at (866) 945-4927 and we’ll offer you a free quote and will even arrange a visit to your property to assess what services best suit you.