Water Saving Tips for Commercial Landscaping In Minnesota

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    Commercial landscaping in Minneapolis is a challenge for many reasons, with water preservation being just one of them. Every good landscaper knows that it’s important to ensure that plants, lawns, and trees get the water they need, without wasting water and driving up the water bills for their clients.

    At Earth Development, our teams of local commercial landscaping experts are familiar with water-efficient landscaping methods – and we provide valuable water-saving tips right here on our website.

    Let’s take a look at how your commercial landscaping in Minneapolis and St Paul can be made more efficient.

    Install the Right Irrigation System for Your Commercial Property

    Upgrading your irrigation system is by far the best way to improve your water efficiency. A good irrigation system is essential for keeping large lawns healthy, but older systems are significantly less water efficient.

    With a newer, more advanced system, you achieve water-efficient landscaping by keeping to specific watering schedules and by adapting to weather conditions. A smart system won’t switch on if it has been raining, saving you water when you don’t need to use it.

    This is a cost-effective system for retail landscaping needs, office complexes, and larger buildings.

    Choose Native Water-Efficient Plants

    If you’re looking to make commercial water savings without upgrading your equipment, or if you don’t have irrigation equipment set up, then why not consider more water-efficient plants?

    Choosing native plants that use less water can have a significant impact on your water consumption over the years. Some plants need more water than others, and native plants are typically better suited to the local weather conditions and soil types.

    Our commercial landscaping experts at Earth Development can help you identify the perfect plants for your commercial property, saving you money in the process.

    Aerate for Optimal Plant and Turf Performance

    xeriscape landscaping

    Did you know that improving your soil can also help you save water? If your soil is impacted and not properly cared for, it may be significantly harder for water to penetrate deep enough to reach the roots of your flowers, plants, and trees.

    Soil aeration is a great way to solve this. With aeration services from Earth Development, you’ll help break up that solid earth and make it easier for water, air, and nutrients to travel deeper into the ground. This prevents water runoff, keeps your soil from becoming bog-like, and means your irrigation system can pump less water each week.

    Don’t Forget About Mulch for Water-Efficient Landscaping

    Commercial landscaping experts can also help you choose the perfect mulch for your property, helping stop water from evaporating too quickly and ensuring that it gets locked into your soil. Mulch offers a host of other benefits, too, including temperature regulation and stopping the growth of weeds.

    Finding the right mulch for your property, however, can be tough. Our experts help you choose one that looks great and perfectly suits your soil and plants.

    Incorporate Xeriscaping

    Have you heard of xeriscaping? This is a kind of landscaping that focuses specifically on eliminating the need for large quantities of water. It involves better planning, improving drainage systems, upgrading irrigation systems, and planting more cacti and supplements that require less water.

    Xeriscape landscaping includes a range of different landscaping techniques designed to make your property attractive and more efficient – and our local landscaping experts are great at it.

    Trust Local Experts to Make Your Property Water Efficient

    Need help? Earth Development experts across the Midwest have the tools, the knowledge, and the experience to tailor their commercial landscaping services to your needs.

    Whether you’re looking to learn more about ways to save money on irrigation or you want a free quote, don’t hesitate to give us a call!